document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { const navLinks = document.querySelectorAll('.nav-link'); const logoutButton = document.querySelector('.logout-button'); const tabHeader = document.getElementById('tab-header'); const tabContent = document.getElementById('tab-content'); const componentsDirectory = 'assets/components/'; // Track open tabs const openTabs = new Map(); // Handle navigation links navLinks.forEach((link) => { link.addEventListener('click', async (event) => { event.preventDefault(); const fileName = link.dataset.file; const tabName = fileName.replace('.html', ''); // Check if the tab is already open if (openTabs.has(tabName)) { // If the tab is already open, activate it activateTab(tabName); return; } // Remove placeholder if it's the first tab const placeholderTab = document.querySelector('.placeholder-tab'); const placeholderContent = document.querySelector('.placeholder-content'); if (placeholderTab) placeholderTab.remove(); if (placeholderContent) placeholderContent.remove(); // Create a new tab const newTab = document.createElement('div'); newTab.className = 'flex items-center space-x-2 py-2 px-4 border-b-2 border-transparent cursor-pointer'; = `tab-${tabName}`; // Tab name (acts as a button) const tabLabel = document.createElement('button'); tabLabel.className = 'focus:outline-none'; tabLabel.textContent = tabName; // Switch to this tab when clicked tabLabel.addEventListener('click', () => { activateTab(tabName); }); // Close button const closeButton = document.createElement('button'); closeButton.className = 'text-gray-400 hover:text-red-500 focus:outline-none'; closeButton.textContent = 'X'; closeButton.title = 'Close Tab'; // Close tab logic closeButton.addEventListener('click', () => { // Remove tab and content newTab.remove(); const relatedContent = document.getElementById(`content-${tabName}`); if (relatedContent) relatedContent.remove(); // Remove from openTabs tracker openTabs.delete(tabName); // If no tabs are open, show placeholder if (openTabs.size === 0) { const placeholder = document.createElement('div'); placeholder.className = 'flex items-center space-x-2 placeholder-tab'; //placeholder.innerHTML = 'Placeholder'; tabHeader.appendChild(placeholder); const placeholderContent = document.createElement('p'); placeholderContent.className = 'placeholder-content'; placeholderContent.textContent = 'This is the placeholder content. Click a link from the navbar to replace this content.'; tabContent.appendChild(placeholderContent); } }); newTab.appendChild(tabLabel); newTab.appendChild(closeButton); tabHeader.appendChild(newTab); // Create content for the new tab const newContent = document.createElement('div'); = `content-${tabName}`; newContent.className = 'tab-content-item hidden'; // Load content from the file try { const response = await fetch(componentsDirectory + fileName); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Failed to load ${fileName}`); } newContent.innerHTML = await response.text(); } catch (error) { newContent.innerHTML = `
Error loading content: ${error.message}
`; } tabContent.appendChild(newContent); // Hide other contents and show this one activateTab(tabName); // Track the open tab openTabs.set(tabName, newTab); }); }); // Activate a tab and show its content function activateTab(tabName) { // Deactivate all tabs document.querySelectorAll('#tab-header > div').forEach((tab) => { tab.classList.remove('border-blue-500'); tab.classList.add('border-transparent'); }); // Hide all content document.querySelectorAll('.tab-content-item').forEach((content) => { content.classList.add('hidden'); }); // Activate the current tab const activeTab = document.getElementById(`tab-${tabName}`); const activeContent = document.getElementById(`content-${tabName}`); if (activeTab && activeContent) { activeTab.classList.add('border-blue-500'); activeTab.classList.remove('border-transparent'); activeContent.classList.remove('hidden'); } } // Handle logout button separately logoutButton.addEventListener('click', (event) => { event.preventDefault(); alert('You have been logged out.'); // Uncomment the following line to redirect to a login page // window.location.href = '/login'; }); });